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AMD nominata Components Vendor of the Year in occasione dei PCR Awards 2012

altAMD è stata nominata UK Vendor of the Year nella sezione Components in occasione dei PCR Awards 2012, un premio assegnato da PCR Magazine come riconoscimento per l’eccellenza nella propria strategia e nei programmi dedicati ai partner di canale, come il programma AMD Fusion Partner.


AMD ha vinto in questa categoria a seguito della votazione di una giuria composta da un centinaio di esperti del settore, contro concorrenti come Arctic, Asus, Gigabyte, Intel, Kingston Technology e PNY.

Il programma AMD Fusion Partner non è pensato solamente per premiare economicamente i partner, ma anche per offrire loro gli strumenti più adatti per sviluppare al meglio il loro business. Il programma riguarda tutti i prodotti e le soluzioni offerte da AMD – dalle CPU, alle GPU, alle APU – ed è pensato per supportare al meglio i diversi modelli di business delle diverse aziende che operano nei settori commercial, consumer o component.

Di seguito la notizia in dettaglio:

LONDON, United Kingdom — March 29, 2012 — AMD (NYSE: AMD) has been named UK Components Vendor of the year at the PCR Awards 2012. AMD won this honour, presented by PCR Magazine, for its channel strategy, channel partner engagement and overall channel partner programmes, including the AMD Fusion Partner programme.

The PCR Awards recognise the very best of the UK consumer channel, and the Component Vendor award specifically recognises innovation, commercial success and support for the trade. AMD came out on top after a hundred industry experts and luminaries selected the winners from the nominated finalists. AMD’s award was announced at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington with the ceremony attended by the cream of the UK IT channel. AMD was up against Arctic, Asus, Gigabyte, Intel, Kingston Technology and PNY in the award category.

“We are thrilled to receive this prestigious award recognising our complete dedication and commitment to the channel,” said Bertrand Coquard, Director, Component Channel Sales, EMEA. “This past year has been an exciting time for AMD and it’s never been a better time to be an AMD channel partner. The AMD family of APUs transform the computing experience while providing a unique proposition for our channel partners.”

The AMD Fusion Partner programme is not only designed to financially reward partners but also to offer them the right tools to help build their business. It covers all AMD products and solutions - from CPUs, GPUs and APUs, and the programme is tailored to support the unique business models of different sized businesses operating in commercial, component or consumer sales.

Coquard added: “Consumers want high computing performance and now demand better value for money than at any time in the past. AMD delivers against the competition in both of these areas. This accolade from our industry peers and the very channel partners we serve highlights that our commitment is well-placed.”

“Congratulations to all the winners at this year’s PCR Awards,” said Stuart Dinsey, managing director of PCR publisher Intent Media. “To even be nominated for an award is a reflection of the hard work that they, their staff and partners have put in over the course of the year and they should all feel justifiably proud.”


Redazione XtremeHardware



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