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  1. Aggiornate, dopo lungo tempo, le varie versioni del PinMAME, il sistema di emulazione dei flipper da sala giochi da usare in combinazione con il Visual Pinball. Sebbene oggi "soffra" della concorrenza dello splendido Future Pinball riamne comunque uno dei capisaldi per gli appassionati di questo genere, in quanto integra simulazione (il modello fisico del tavolo da flipper) ed emulazione (il tabellone elettronico). Ecco dunque le novita' per festeggiare questi 6 anni insieme al PinMAME: PinMAME 1.55 - Happy 6th Birthday to PinMAME & Visual PinMAME! - After all these years, we're finally seeing the light on two of our longest standing missing features! In honor of the 6th year since our first release we bring you our latest efforts. - Thanks to Aaron Giles for once again blowing us away with his BSMT2K emulation improvements. Full support for the 'mysterious' compressed samples is now a reality. Despite the numerous rewrites Steve had to do to convert the code from the latest MAME core into our older core, it's working great! - There's also a small enhancement to the Votrax SC01 speech chip output, enabling the chip to alter its sample rate at runtime which improves sound on many if not all games that used it! To all Gottlieb System80 and Taito lovers, this is for you! - A special last-minute treat by PinMAME's founder and "not so retired" developer Steve Ellenoff: GI circuit brightness support for WPC games is finally here! - Special thanks to Steve for this tremendous addition, which would have been the number one event for him this month - if it wasn't the impending birth of his third child expected to arrive any day! Visual PinMAMe 1.55 - ChgGI(x, 1) now returns different values for WPC GI string dimming (Steve Ellenoff) - Added support for "Ripley's Believe It Or Not!" - Happy 6th anniversary VPinMAME! Fonte: Emuita Link:http://emuita.it/emu.php?cat=M.A.M.E Ciao Max
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