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  1. Finalmente è uscita la nuova release del noto software di monitoraggio delle temperature... ecco il link per il download: Core Temp elenco migliorie/fix: - Fix: Revision F Turion/Turion X2 detected wrong. - Fix: Core Temp fully loads one core on a dual core AMD CPU. - Fix: Core Temp crashes on Dual Core Opteron 200 series systems. - Fix: Core Temp misdetected certain Dual Core Opteron CPUs. - Fix: Must set Core Temp to run as Administrator in Vista. - Fix: Can't see Core Temp GUI if Core Temp was last closed minimized. - Fix: C2D L2 rev. report very low temperatures. (Tjmax to 100C) - Fix: Core Temp reported wrong temps after a while. (Driver conflict) - Fix: Core Temp reported Max VID on Intel CPUs. (Now shows current) - Add: Show temperature in System tray. - Add: Manual refresh option by pressing F5 or "File" Menu. - Add: Show "Delta to Tjunction" temperature for Core 2 CPUs. - Add: Support for latest Intel and AMD CPUs. - Add: Minimize/Restore option in system tray icon right click. - Add: Save last window position. - Add: Prevent 2 instances of Core Temp from launching. - Change: Rewritten Intel CPU recognition code. - Change: Core 2 Duo codename change to Conroe-2M from Allendale. - Change: Pop up bubble-window with temperatures removed. - Change: Not Beta status anymore. ciao
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